16 to 19 tuition fund end of year report for academic year (AY) 2023 to 2024

Use this online form to tell us about your spending of the 16 to 19 tuition fund.
If you do not complete a return, there is a risk that the funding will be recovered.

Consult 16 to 19 tuition fund 2023 to 2024 (opens in new window) for more information about this funding.

For help with completing your submission, refer to the guidance (opens in a new window).

You must complete and return your form by 5pm on 11 October 2024.

Before you start, make sure you have:

  • the authority to complete this form on behalf of your organisation
  • an account with the DfE Sign-in service. If you have not used DfE Sign-in before you will need to create a DfE Sign-in account
  • your UK Provider Reference Number (UKPRN). If you don't know this, it can be found by searching the UK Register of Learning Providers (UKRLP)
  • your tuition fund full year spend for AY 2023 to 2024